This book is one of our textbooks that we will be using, and it is written for those who might feel helpless and hopeless in their sexual perversion in which they desire to be free. The author finding herself in this same emotional state of hopelessness shares the making of such condition, and the sure deliverance that can be had in Christ Jesus. Whether one’s theology concerning being sexually attractive to members of the same gender, the deliverance is still the same in God. Jesus is God’s solution to all sin. For many, satan has convince individuals that victory in this area of their life is impossible and unattainable, because of the power that sexual perversion indeed possess. However, if the power of homosexuality and lesbianism is superior than the power that our Savior possess to save His people FROM their sin, then the Scripture [Matthew 28:19] that proclaims that all power in heaven and earth has been giving unto Him would be invalid, and not true. Therefore, this is the lie that satan is promoting in the minds of the unbeliever. All POWER is indeed under the rule of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
This book is one of our textbooks that we will be using, and it is written for those, whom faith is fading, and the feeling that their Savior Jesus Christ is not near, nor concern about one’s concerns with sin. The author at that time, being young, and not understanding her sexual dilemma, and her lack of understanding God’s Word, God would reveal His truth to her in visions and dreams. It was through these visions/dreams that gave her a visional picture to understand that a picture is worth a thousand words, thereby seeing the Word of God in a visional state, helped produce the realization and the danger being under the dominion and rule of sin and its deadly consequences throughout eternity helped produce the faith to believe in God’s delivering power to be free.
This book is quite like this ministry as we see the power and witness how God can use anyone in His kingdom and turn their life around when they choose to embrace God’s truth, and God’s purpose that we should live and not die to bring Him glory, honor and praise. This book is a must read who desires to know God’s plan for salvation in Him for their life here and throughout eternity. For the Word of God states accept ye are born of water and spirit one cannot enter into the Kingdom of God according to St. John 3:5-
The problem with mankind is how we were born; not how good we think we are and think we are acceptable in God’s sight. No, we all must be reborn by the Spirit of God and this book in its simplicity can guide you into this rebirth process.